Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Week before Finals (12/8/15)

"T’was the week before finals, and all through the halls
All the students were stressing, all in a squall,
computers were on with screens all aglow,
In hopes that their procrastination just wouldn’t show,

The teachers where nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of easy grading danced in their heads.
And with math tests approaching, and portfolios galore
I set up for an all-nighter, that’s what I have in store."

- H.E. Robinson.

I was bored and procrastinating homework. So, what do you do when you are avoiding homework and it's around Christmas time? You take the first two stanzas of "Night before Christmas" and write it into the context of a student dealing with finals rush.

I am in fact not planning on pulling an all-nighter, but the line is funny. My personal favorite is the last two lines of the first stanza though. "computers were on with screens all aglow, in hopes that their procrastination just wouldn't show,"

I find this funny mostly because I'm one of the biggest procrastinators when I want to me. Right now I'm just feeling burnt out and tired. But just like the poem says. I have math tests to study for and portfolios to finish.

So this entry is going to be short and sweet as I move around to get everything finished. I wish all you luck on your final projects, and I'll see you on the other side. 


Monday, November 30, 2015

Run! It's a Stampede! (11/30/15)

Another entry about end of the year/semester rush and trying not to get crushed by the oncoming stampede that is incoming deadlines and final projects. Do you remember how at the beginning of the blog I mentioned that I have three creative writing courses right on top of one another? Well, with the end of the semester comes the final projects for all of them, and only roughly two and a half weeks to finish them all.

This is what some of my final projects look like for each of my classes:


* Finish online math topics in the learning program ALEKS. (15 to go)
* A module test.
* A final inclusive test for the whole semester.

CW: Intro Final Portfolio:

* Revision of one of the two poems written this semester. (with rough draft)
* Revision of Short story written this semester.
* A one/two page single spaced letter.

CW: Fiction Final Portfolio:

* A cover letter (page 1 1/2)
* Final revision draft of first short story/ rough draft
* Final revision draft of second story/ rough draft

And of course the final project for the Nonefiction class, the Author's website.

As you can see I have my hands very full for the next two weeks and a half. I once saw a joke online with a picture of a skinny, pale skinned creature with big eyes coming out of a cave. Above it's head was the caption "Students at the end of the semester after finals." Then there was the words of the creature speaking saying "Mom? Dad? Friends?"

I'm expecting I will look something similar to that come the end of this semester. As I expect I will turn into a hermit to get everything done in time. Wish me luck a second time.

Diving right in!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Running Turkey with the Head Cut off (11/27/16)


This is pretty much how I feel right now nearing the end of the semester and with the holidays approaching. This is also how I feel about this assignment for this week having nearly forgotten about it on the day that it was due.

This is petty much what happens though when the holiday's, finals and family comes around. I feel like a chicken running around a barnyard without my head trying to keep track of everything.

Except or this week-end. Where I nearly forgot about the blog entry, because I had gotten all other homework done. It was Thanksgiving and on top of that...this lucky person go sick. I woke up yesterday morning with a killer sore throat and having lost my voice. Lucky me!

So, I've been cooped up in one room of the house or another, trying to get well by nursing cough drops, herbal tea, cold medication and lots of water. That has been the consistence of my Holiday weekend, so I'm afraid that this entry has no questions, or advice about creativity. I haven't been feeling very creative.

Here's my advice though if you are in the middle of a project and you come down with the plague? Take a break and get better. It's worth it, and your health is more important.

Happy Holidays, I'm curling back up with more blankets and hot tea. I have to kick this stuff by Monday.

Wish me Luck.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

End of the Tunnel, Full Steam Ahead (11-19-15)

So, the topic of my entry this week is really to pose a question that I hope people will just answer and not just read about. But the question is:

What do you do nearing the end of the semester to help keep you motivated?

I think this is a topic everyone deals with. It's nearing the end of the semester and I am burnt out. I am tired of school, tired, of homework, tired of reviews. It is especially bad this semester with three creative writing courses and a math class to boot. So what do other people do in order to keep going to the end of the semester?

I have a tendency to semi-throw into the towel. I procrastinate more, sleep in later in the morning, wait until the last minute to do assignments. That kind of thing. I wouldn't say my level of creativity decreased but I stop being so strict with the quality of things that I tend to turn in sometimes.
So I don't know how many people actually follow this blog other than myself, and maybe my instructor, but I wanted to see who has something that they want to share?

Do you just grit your teeth and push through?

Do you knuckle down and try harder?

Do you let go and don't care so much?

What do you do to keep going during the end of the semester especially if you care about grades like I do. Not that I care about grades a lot, but I still strive to do well and get 'A's.

Let me know in your comments below.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

From the Mouth of the Worm (11/12/15)

Back when I was in high-school for a literature class, we had to write a paper for class and it could be on anything that we wanted. We has just finished reading "The Screwtape Letters" - by C.S. Lewis in class and I had enjoyed the story so much that I decided to write a short fiction piece about it.

It is a story about a reporter who goes down into the depths of hell to get a last interview with the character "Wormwood" just before he is to be devoured by the devils of the Tempters Training College.

This was written back was in high-school but I'm still proud of it to this day and I thought that I would share. Enjoy.

From the Mouth of the Worm
By: H. E. Robinson

Down seven stories, through seven impenetrable gates, lies one of the most dank, dark, filthy places in our world. It is festering with trapped souls of apostates, Pharisees, betrayers, and of course, email spammers and the people who send email chain letters. The simmering, brimstone filled core, itself, is known as "the seventh circle of hell." The smells down in the lower levels of hell are deliciously rank, and the screams from the trapped souls are comforting to the ears, as long as they are from someone else. I wish never to see the place again. It is my opinion that if our novice tempters were exposed to the lower circles before they received their assignments, and then frequently reminded that they would end up here if they failed, our own would not be so inclined to 'mess up' in their assignments.

What was I doing in the seventh circle of hell you might ask? I'm sure the word has reached my readers about the feast to take place at the T.T.C (Tempters Training College.) for young devils. I was there to retrieve the story from the main course himself, a novice tempter who goes by the name of Wormwood, the alleged nephew to Screwtape who is the guest of honor at this year's T.T.C annual dinner.

The poor man excuse me, devil, looked already the worse for wear, thin, shriveled, and half gnawed on already, as though someone had snuck in for an early snack before the festivities began. He shied away from me at first, as though I was one of those few who had come for a "taste" of him myself. After convincing him who I was, and that I wasn't there to devour him, he was more inclined to share his story with me. Here follows the actual interview from the mouth of the worm:

"Thanks for agreeing to talk to me mister Wormwood. I mean before we lost the chance forever to get your side of the story." – Author.

"You mean before the T.T.C annual dinner I suppose? Yes, that is a time I do not look forward to. And it's coming up far to fast for my liking. No, after you explained why you were here, I saw no reason against giving you what you came for. I decided it would be wise to pass on 'my' side of the story before the inevitable happens." – Wormwood.

"About your side of the story, mister Wormwood, that's why I'm here. Since you brought up the Tempters Training College, why don't we start there? The day you graduated from the T.T.C." – Author.

"My graduation from the T.T.C. was one of the highlights of my existence. Though with my uncle being who he was… I suppose you know who my uncle is… Of course you do, how could you not? But anyway, with my uncle being Screwtape, you can imagine the type of expectations I was expected to live up to. I couldn't have been more excited to get my first assignment and get out into the field. Everyone; Screwtape, all my teachers, even the principle of the T.T.C. Doctor Slubgob, all of them said I would go far and recommended me to the highest stations. Everyone believed I would go far like my uncle." – Wormwood.

"What do you think went wrong with your assignment? From my research it seemed to have started off well." – Author.

"That's the irony of the thing though isn't it? My assignment did start off well. Like any beginning tempter, though, I felt like I needed advice, so I enlisted help from my uncle Screwtape. He'd give me little pointers here and here, advice on which ways of tempting were best in which situations. And progress was going well, that is, until my assignment became a Christian." – Wormwood.

"How did you and Screwtape communicate?" – Author.

"Oh, well, we wrote letters back and forth. I'd write him about the week and what things were going on in the man's life. And what I was doing to lead him down the path we wanted him to go. I'd ask him questions and write about what I thought and felt. Then he'd write back and give me advice on what to do in situations." – Wormwood.

"And what was his reaction to your assignment becoming a Christian?" – Author.

"He was displeased, and he was quick to inform me that I would be punished for letting the man join the church. But he then quickly informed me of ways that I could use the church for my advantage." – Wormwood.

"What can you tell me about your workings with a tempter named, Glubose?" – Author.

"Glubose….? Oh, Glubose, the tempter in charge of my assignment's mother. Right, right, right, right! Well, Screwtape suggested that I kept in touch with him so we could have my assignment and the mother play off each others irritations, and it worked fairly well." – Wormwood.

"When the 'war' started, everything changed again didn't it?" – Author.

"I admit I grew, overly excited when the Europeans started one of their wars….And Screwtape…" - Wormwood.

Here he paused, looking rather irritated over some matter or memory he wasn't too fond of. His countenance changed to reflect a fouler mood then he was already in when I arrived. The next few minutes were passed in silence, creating an uncomfortable edginess to the small cell we were in. Eventually though, he seemed to relax a little and he looked over at me, giving me a weary but apologetic smile.

"I am sorry; it's just that thoughts of my uncle Screwtape have me on an edge. You see, Screwtape, although an under-secretary of a department, is a prideful, self loving, arrogant, old… and pardon my language, Satanic twit. You know he actually said that the T.T.C. was falling to pieces ever since Slubgob became the head of it? And he's the guest of honor." – Wormwood.

"Your uncle treated you badly?" – Author.

"Treated me badly, no, at least not in the since that you mean. He would just berate me when I did something wrong. Scorn me if I thought I was doing something right." – Wormwood.

"And after that, what happened between you and your uncle?" – Author.

"After talking about the war, things sort of got good again. My assignment was introduced to some friends who were focused on things of the world, people who were such consistent scoffers, and who were progressing very comfortably on their way down to our father below. Then things turned again as I made another blunder." – Wormwood.

"What was your mistake?" – Author.

"After all the work that I had done to get my assignment into a lifestyle where things revolved around the world, and the 'right' way to live, and the 'right' friends to have, I allowed him to enjoy a 'real' pleasure. I allowed him to slip through my fingers and read a book he enjoyed, have a walk he found refreshing, and have 'real' time to himself. And as my uncle Screwtape pointed out, that was a big mistake." –Wormwood.

"Is that when you lost the assignment, after you allowed him this 'real' pleasure?" – Author.

"No, but that surely was the beginning of the whole thing. After that incident, we tried everything to get a hold of him again. Screwtape vocalized his concern that my assignment had only attended the church he converted to, and that he wasn't fully pleased with it. So we tried making him a 'taster' of churches, we tried everything from reactions on the war, gluttony, sexual tendencies, everything. It went both ways. Good, then bad, then good again. Most of the letters from my uncle were lectures on sexual temptations. And the way to go properly about pulling it off so that it best benefited my purposes. He would nag me about reports on the girls that situated themselves around my assignment. He would berate me about The Enemy and how he 'loved' the animals, in his sick way. Eventually, though, the process of 'love' fell through when he was introduced to a true Christian." – Wormwood.

"Pardon me Wormwood, could I ask you about the secret police investigation on your uncle Screwtape? What was the cause of that?" – Author.

He thought for a moment, trying to figure out the answer. Getting a grasp on the distant memory, he tossed his head back and laughed for the next three minutes, tears of laughter came to his eyes before he was able to compose himself to speak again.

"Oh that! In some of his earlier letters, Screwtape had mistakenly mentioned that the Enemy truly loves the humans. I had grown angry with my uncle's lecturing so I had reported to the secret police that he had mentioned these views and what he had said about Slubgob in hopes that they would arrest him and I would be rid of him. Unfortunately it didn't work out as I had hoped. He was even kind enough to send me a wonderful booklet issued on the new House of Correction for Incompetent Tempters, the illustrated version. One of the most interesting books I've ever read, or ever will, for that matter." – Wormwood.

"I've read it. Now what was your uncle's reaction to your assignment falling in love with the Christian girl you mentioned?" – Author.

"At first he was absolutely livid about it. I would have loved to see the day when he wrote that letter. To be in the room when he wrote it to me, to see the spectacle for myself, I'm so sorry that I missed it. Apparently from his letter, he worked himself into a rage by going on and on about the girl, her entire family, and their household, how their whole household carried a stench. The dog and cat carried it, the gardener, and the guests after they left. But I'm getting off the subject. He worked himself into such a rage that he assumed the form of a large centipede and had to have his secretary Toadpipe finish the letter for him. I would have loved to see him like that." – Wormwood.

"You mean to tell me he actually turned into a large centipede?" – Author.

"Apparently yes, I would have loved to see that. Wouldn't you have?" – Wormwood.

"Can't say that I would. I myself took on the form of large beetle for a time after I lost my temper once. But please, continue, what happened after that?" – Author.
Wormwood continued to smile at me in an uneasy manner that made me feel rather disgusted at being near him. I was unsure if he was smiling at the fact that his uncle had turned into a large centipede, or the fact that I had taken on the form of a large beetle. Still smiling at me, he willingly went back to the interview.

"We talked a little about the girl. Tried some things with his sense of humor, tried some things with the girl and my assignment's chastity. Then new possibility fell into our lap with the war that was going on. We didn't want him to die, and run into the possibility of being snatched away from us by the enemy. As it turned out, my assignment turned 'yellow-belly'. He got frightened and all the pride we had taught him to feel went down the drain. Because he was a coward, he felt shameful about himself and no pride in what he had done. Then, just like that, we lost him." – Wormwood.

"You lost him? How precisely did you lose him, just like that?" – Author.

"Well, he died. No doctor's offices, no nursing homes, nothing. The moment was to a point of war-fare and noise that it was most glorious. And then we lost him when he died instantaneously….He slipped though my fingers at the last moment and was taken by them." – Wormwood.

"Them?" – Author.

"Yes them! For the first time he saw me for what I really was and what moments in his life I was involved in. Their presence was painful, bright, excruciating. It was hard to believe that he could confer with them as easily as he conferred with others of his kind. Just being in their presence burned me and I lost him. He slipped through my fingers. I had failed my assignment and I knew what I was in for. So I sent quick word to my uncle Screwtape begging him, asking him if his love for me was true or all a lie. His response was confirmed my fears. After that I knew I was going to be devoured. He expressed his anticipation of being able to eat me, just as I had hoped to eat him if he had given me the wrong advice." – Wormwood.

We sat in silence for a while. Then the door opened and I exited the room. Behind me came the guards with Wormwood, and I watched as the back of the worm vanished toward the banquet hall. As I stood there, a guard tapped my shoulder and handed me a wine glass filled with the sweetest bouquet of wine I had ever smelled. Nodding to the guard, and then looking back at the door Wormwood had vanished through, I raised the glass, made a toast, and drank. Although I had intended skipping the feast, I guess I got a little of it after all.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Holiday Aftermath (11/6/15)

I know I promised an update post on what my Halloween ended up being like after I got my costume pulled together and got my pumpkin all carved. I forgot about it as a mini Halloween mid week post. So instead you get the whole week post instead with the Halloween Aftermath so to speak. 

First of all though, even though I for the most part had fun dressing up, carving pumpkins with my niece and nephews, watching "Nightmare Before Christmas" with them, and later "Hotel Transylvania with a friend and her kids... For the most part trick-or-treating this year was a total let down. We hit the streets with the kids at around 7:30 and you could literally look down a street and see that it was nothing but dark. A few scattered houses would open their doors and there were a few people who sat in driveways and car ports handing out candy, but all in all it was a complete dud of a year. 

I felt cheated and all I was doing was walking around with the kids while they went up to get candy. 


It was sad.

Anyway, my folks told me that my pumpkin got a lot of compliments this year for Halloween and one person actually took a picture of it. I carved "Oogie Boogie," from 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. He said it was the best carving of a pumpkin he'd ever seen, according to my mother. 

Honestly I thought my "Maleficent" Jack-o-lantern from last year was much better hand harder as far as technique goes. But I was still happy with how it turned out.

The best party about Halloween though has still got to be dressing up this year. My friend helped me do my make-up and let me use a purple wig that she got at the flea-market. We kind of matched in our faerie costumes. 
I don't know what I'm going to be next year but I'm excited to come up with ideas. Maybe I'll have to come up with something far in advanced so that I can start making things now. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Spooky Scary Skeletons (10/28/15)

I thought it being October and the day after this assignment is due being Halloween, I thought that I would do a Halloween themed blog entry. That means talking briefly about the kinds of things I've done for Halloween. It is one of my favorite holidays and I think there has been only one year where I didn't have outstanding plans and didn't dress up (as an adult). Normally I think ahead and do something crafty involving a costume. I've been, The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland), A faerie (which I'm being again this year), and a whole bunch of other things. One year I was Woodstock, the little yellow bird from Peanuts that goes around with Snoopy. That was a fun year, (I'm not going to post the picture of that one though because that's embarrassing)

two years ago I did Steam-punk: A lot of the main pieces I already had, like the shirt, and the waist shirt, the pants, I bought the gloves and I had the pocket watch. But I made the goggles out of welding goggles from Amazon just painted them brass colored. I also made the holster on my leg and I decorated a Nerf gun to look like it was made of brass etc. I crocheted the scarf that is around my neck too, its' one of my favorites because it's multi colored in fall colors. It was a fun Costume to wear and a lot of work to do.

This was my pumpkin last year: Maleficent's dragon head from "Sleeping Beauty. I don't carve pumpkins every year, because they were very time consuming and take a lot of work. But last year I wanted to do one so I carved that one. I'm not talented enough to win any ribbons or anything, but when it comes to pumpkin carving I like to challenge myself or what is the point? Anyone can do the three triangle jack-o-lantern face. I want to do something cool if I am going to carve a pumpkin.

Last year, I decided to go a little out of the box and be a humanoid dragon for Halloween. I painted scales on my skin and I made horns out of Styrofoam, craft foam, lots of freaken glue, and paint. The horns were mounted into a head band so I didn't have to figure out how to fix them onto my head. Some of the things I wish I could have done differently though were to have those cool effects contacts. However since I am basically certifiably blind without glasses or contacts, I can't wear the cool effects ones, not unless I want to wear them under my regular glasses, which I thing would ruin the effect. I should have also done fangs. But everything else had already cost so much  that I didn't want to shell out prices for the fangs. Over all I was very happy with how it had turned out. 

I should have done this entry sooner because if you are going to be crafty for a costume, it's a little late in the game. 

Plan ahead for next year and be creative with your costume. Maybe I'll do a mini entry before the next assignment and show you all how my costume turned out this year. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Snitches get Stitches (10/21/15)

This is not a hobby that I do a whole lot right now because it is time consuming and with school and homework I just don't have time. But that hobby is sewing. Above are three examples of the kinds of things I have made with that skill. A crochet yarn beanie, one finished and unfinished cross-stitch project, and a cloak I made years ago. The inner lining of the cloak was all hand stitched because we didn't have a sewing machine at the time. and then the outer lining was added later when I did have a sewing machine, its thick and made of corduroy.

I like sewing as a craft and a hobby. It takes a lot of work. Other kinds of things that I have made are baby blankets for nieces and nephews when they were born, hats, costume shirts, scarves, etc.

It's become a handy skill to have pertaining to my nieces and nephews who come to me when their stuffed animals have tears in them, asking me to play doctor and I sew them up.

I learned to sew from my mom. I used to watch her crochet and embroider and it made me want to do it to. I was pleased that I picked it up quickly but it also is a good practice in patience and determination. There have been plenty of times where I messed up and I had to sit there for hours and undo stitches that I got wrong. Just like with writing or any craft, you have to step back, take a breath, and come back at it again later.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Not so Fantastic 4 (10/14/15)


I would like to take a moment from our regular scheduled talks about creative ambitions to take the time to have a brief story analysis of the movie above. Fantastic 4, that came out in earlier this year by Twentieth Century Fox.

As I have worked on my writing craft, one of the things in the three classes I am taking for creative writing the semester have touched on the same subject at one point or another. That is seeing holes in story structure, plot etc. By learning how to spot these flaws in story structure, I not only learn to see it in my own work, but also in the work of other story structures such as in books and movies.

A friend and I went to the dollar theater on Tuesday because it was a two dollar ticket night at the cheap seats. both of us went to a movie, got a medium popcorn and a large drink to share for under $13 dollars. Considering the price of tickets in regular theaters, that's not bad for two people. Because it is the cheap theaters however, movie choices are limited. We had both heard that 'Fantastic 4' was a horrible movie, but we figured we were only paying two dollars to go see it so why not? We were already going with Low expectations. However, we were surprised that the movie managed to surpass even our prior low expectations by being even worse than we could ever imagined.

'Fantastic 4' is nearly two hours of bland, unimaginative, poorly structured story if you can even call it that. The first 3/4 of the movie are slow paced 'origin' story of how the characters know each other and how they got their powers with literal cut scenes of seven years later and one year later. After they get their powers they completely glaze over the main four learning to use and adjust to their powers. Then the last quarter of the movie is a quick jerk turn of events as we are dropped into the second 'plot' of Doctor Doom coming back from a different dimension with the desire to destroy the planet and the know-hows to do so with little effort.

The story is fragmented so drastically in this fashion that everything about the characters is glossed over with no real character development or purpose, they are just there. Doctor Doom, one of my favorite villains from the Marvel universe, is passed over completely and has no character development at all. The character is a bitter loner, pinning after the girl he loves, Susan Storm, jealous of the new boy genius, Reid Richards, and "dies" in the other dimension. A year later, he comes back with a new set of scientists sent over to the dimension, having survived a year on an alien world, altered like the others with the purpose to destroy the planet to save his dimension which has now become his home. But they explain nothing of why he went to this sudden extreme. (And where the hell did he get his cloak from?)

This movie was poorly written, and I believe simply made so that the company could hold onto the copy right for a little bit longer. My advice, give the copy-right back to Disney/Marvel and they'll actually do a good job.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The More That You Read (10/8/15)


An English teacher once told my class that in order to be a good writer, you also have to be a good reader. You cannot be one without being the other. Not only does it allow you as a writer to see what works in a novel, etc, but reading opens your mind to now experiences, points of views and knowledge. If it wasn't for my family encouraging me to read when I was growing up I wouldn't have found my passion for stories and writing. Therefore eventually leading to my pursuit into creative writing in college. 

I love to read, and one of my goals is to write stories that people love to read. Not only because of sales. But genuinely stories that people want to read and want to share with other people. My family used to shove books at me to read growing up, my dad told us bedtime stories that he would make up every night with words that we gave him like our own version of bedtime mad-libs.  

I have been writing little stories since I was a little kid. I have folders, note-books, binders and drawers full of loose and bound papers full of unfinished dabbles. Looking through them now, the writing is so terrible, spelling, grammar, content, it hurts my head just reading through them. But I do not have the heart to throw any of them away. I have copies of every English paper I wrote in High-school, every snippit of short story with the idea that one day I could look through them and use something. One day something might spark something in my mind and who knows what might become of it?

Although movies are vision-ally stunning, how many times have we heard over and over again, when referencing the book compared to the movie, "The book was better."?

So, if you want to write, Read.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Say Cheese! (9/28/15)

 I wouldn't say I'm an amazing photographer, but I sure do love trying and taking fun pictures. These are only a few of the pictures that I took on my Study Abroad trip to Britain through MCC (If you haven't considered Study Abroad I really suggest you do it was so worth it and a great experience).

I don't think I could do photography professionally, I don't think I have a good enough camera for it. But its a fun little creative hobby of mine. For photography you have to know all about good lighting, shutter and flash etc. I'm too lazy to learn all that stuff. Its more fun to just take pictures however I want. But then I see photos by professionals and I can't help wanting to do things like that.

Besides, Photography is a lot easier than painting or drawing.  

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ambitiously Creative 2.0 (9/22/15)

Up above you will see a small screen shot of my Pinterest account (aka craft hoarders.com) and only about half of my boards. This ones have been shown because they are strictly crafts in some way or fashion. There is:

  • Writing
  • Crafts I would LOVE to do: (this blog is full of miscellaneous crafts like crochet etc)
  •  YUM!: (baking dessert ideas)
  • Enjoy Christmas: (Christmas crafts and decorating ideas)
  • Fall and Halloween: (fall edition of Christmas)
  • Steampunk
  • Jewelry ideas: (i make a lot of my own jewelry, expensive hobby don't get into it)
  • one day I'll learn to cook: (regular recipes that are not desserts that I would like to try.
I just thought I would take a moment to show briefly, what other kinds of things I am into besides writing which is what a large portion of this blog has been about so far. But this blog isn't only about writing. It's also about all my creative ambitions not just writing, so here is a brief show of what some of that entails.

Probably later on in this blog I might go into further detail about some of my projects. Right now I don't have the time though... I know, sad face. 

Right now I'm playing catch up after playing loose with my homework schedule. Whoops.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Frankie Says "Relax" (9-14-15)

Ignoring the fact that the original context of the song was about 'shagging' I'm going to use it in the context that the band "Frankie goes to Hollywood" said it was when the song first came out. They said it was about motivation to avoid censorship. 

I just think it was a funny title for this weeks entry as my subject is about stepping back, and taking a breather. Or simply...

Let yourself relax every once in a while. 

I call it letting myself detox or distress. This semester is full of homework to the point where it feels like I am constantly doing nothing but homework. This last week especially has left me frazzled and irritable. I was so brain fried that even the things that I normally do on my time off held no real appeal. It wasn't pleasant.

My advice this week, is when things get like that, to step back and give yourself a breather. Go to lunch or a movie with friends, read a book, watch Netflix, socialize. This action will allow your brain to clear and will lower levels of stress. I've found that when I'm stressed out, my creative drive drops, ideas stop flowing, and when I go back and read anything I've written while stressed, I usually find that it needs some serious revision. 

Taking a break will also help for when hitting a dead end or writers block. Setting aside a project and coming back to it later will allow you to come back to it and see it with fresh eyes. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Crazy Wall (9/9/15)

How many of us are familiar with this image from  movies?

This image is from "Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows" and it is the spider web, mind map or crazy wall that Sherlock was using to track Moriarty. Each string is tied to a point, that connects to another point and so on and so on. As you can see from the image above it's quite chaotic and messy. That's what being inside my creative mind is like.

A.K.A. very crazy and chaotic and it's a surprise I ever know here I am going or how one thing really leads to the others. Most of the time, an idea will pop into my head before I can finish another.

As you can guess, this is not very helpful when I am trying to come up with a story. Like the last this ties a bit into scheduling. But this post, is more about organization.

I would be all over the place if my idea and planning for a story looked like the picture above. So for one of my current projects, a novel I have been working. I have been trying a slightly different tactic. Instead of trying to figure out to much all at once and separately, leaving me to figure out how they are all connected, I have been implementing a story board system instead. Something like this:

This is clearly from Disney's "Alice in Wonderland" and is the scene were Alice comes across the Hookah smoking Caterpillar. Moving from top to bottom, left to right, we see step by step how the scene is going to progress.

My story board is somewhat similar. Only instead of pictures, I have words on note cards, tact to a bulletin board. Each note card has a key point in the story that needs to happen. And I can move them around and connect them in different patterns to see how they work.

This has been a great help in helping me organize my thoughts and try different combinations. And it saves me a bit of wall space and I don't have to by red string.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Keeping a Smooth Course - (9/1/15)

Do you remember last week when I wrote about how creativity is something I believe to be spontaneous? Well, I need to take a step backward and add one small caveat. That is scheduling.

As much as I believe that creativity with anything you are doing whether it be writing, painting, etc, should be fun and unexpected. I also realize that I live in a real world where such things cannot always be left to whims of fancy. That means things have to be put on hold, and things must be arranged into an easy to follow schedule.

In my personal case, this semester I have a full life with four classes at MCC, three of them being creative writing courses, the last being math. Then I want to still enjoy time with family, friends, and have time to be creative. This means every week I sit down to make a schedule. I look at everything that I have to do that week as far as course work, the homework that is required and when it is due. Then I look at other social events that I want to do and I plan everything out accordingly. My solution, is that I attempt to have homework done every night by eight or nine o'clock, earlier if I have previous engagements in the evening. This gives me time in the evenings to have some free time.

This is good because a lot of the reading for all my creative writing classes have had a similar chapter on finding a time to sit down and write. All of them say, find a time that works best for you. An hour a day or so where you sit down and write, whether it is to free flow, brainstorm, etc. This helps get you in the habit of writing daily until its not scheduled and just habit.

Right now for me scheduling is a necessity and even if you don't need to work out a full schedule for your class work. I recommend figuring out that hour a day time to sit down and write, or paint or what ever it is that you do creatively.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ambitiously Creative, Following Alice Down the Rabbit Hole. (8/25/15)

 Just like Alice in Wonderland I’ve scrambled down my own version of the rabbit hole into a world of creativity but also one of wonder. To me that’s what creativity is about. It’s not structured or planned it’s just something that happens. Creativity is something that’s explored, expounded on and only after dallying for a while achieved or cast aside. This mentality has gotten me into all sorts of creative endeavors:

  • Writing
  • Art.
  • Photography
  • Sewing
  • Cooking
  • Crochet
  • Etc.

So what is this blog going to be about? This blog is going to be about creativity as a whole. Both about projects I am working on, methods of process, frustrations and road blocks that I come across; and maybe others have problems with as well. The goal is then to work through frustrations and road block using creativity as a tool to get around a problem.

I think this blog will be very beneficial to me, and I hope beneficial to others too.